프로그램 소식 

[Call for participant] Online Live Cultural Exchange Program

2021-01-21 · 관리자

We are glad to announce the call for teenager participants for Online Live Cultural Exchange Program.

We would like to invite young participants and have fun together.
The young participants will gather and talk together, sharing their lives through self-created V-logs.
They will have a lot of fun and learn about each other's cultures because we believe that everyone has their own interesting stories.

1) Number of Participants : 24 people
2) Age : 13-15 years old
3) Nationality : Hong Kong(China), Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam,
Austrailia, New Zealand, Singapore, Philippines, and Korea
4) Date : 16th to 22nd, Feb. 2021 (4 sessions for 2 weeks)

For more detailed information, please visit the link below.

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